800 HOURS YOGA THERAPY DIPLOMA PROGRAM in collaboration with "Paramanand Instıtute of Yoga Scıence and Research"

Yoga Therapy (Yog Chikitsa) is not a modern word, but it is ancient as Yoga word. There are often misleading certain branded Yoga is complete Yoga. Certain brand could be for marketing purpose or to teach only a certain style of Yoga Asana sequence may not be a complete Yoga. Our Yoga type is a Traditional Yoga which is in deeper sense is a complete and authentic Yoga derives from ancient Yoga scriptures as old as 10,000 years in Sanskrit taught in English. We teach basic secrets from these scriptures which cover physical, mental, and emotional and energy levels.

Course Contents:

Therapeutic Effects of Asanas, Pranayams, Kriyas, Mudras, Bandhas, Chanting and Meditation.
Methodology for Yoga Therapy.
Yoga Therapy Techniques.
Basics of Ayurveda.
Yogic Life style, diet and Yoga Therapy.
Effects of imbalance of Chakras, Nadis in Yoga Therapy.
Basics of Naturopathy.

Theory and practical:
Meaning of Yoga Therapy, its significance and applications.
Selected techniques of Yoga therapy for certain diseases.
Yogic life style and health (Yama and Niyama).
Effects and meaning of prayer, chanting and Bhakti yoga in Yoga Therapy.
Therapeutic benefits of Karma Yoga.
Precautions of practising Yoga and Yoga therapy.
Self-balance before advising others.
Therapeutic Precautions for practice and teaching Yoga.
An understanding of Yogic and Ashram Life.
Therapeutic benefits of Yoga Asanas.
Therapeutic benefits of basic Pranayamas.
Therapeutic benefits of Silence (Maun).
Therapeutic benefits of Yogic Cleanliness (Shauch).
Therapeutic benefits of Meditation.
Basic understanding of teaching methodology.
Therapeutic benefits of Science of Mantra and Meditation.
Qualities of a Yoga Therapist, Basic Anatomy and Physiology and Yogic system of Energy.
Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle.
Therapeutic benefits aspect study of Yoga Scriptures (Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc.).
Ethics for Yoga Therapist.
Assignments in related fields.

Objective & Benefits

In modern life, major countries of the world, there is tremendous stress, tension, sorrow, anxiety, fear, phobia, depression, loneliness, weakness, confusion, complexes, jealousy, anger, sufferings, obesity, pains, relationship problems, etc. More than 92% Americans visit Psychiatrist in their life time. All these invisible problems have practically no treatment with modern medical science.

Theory and practical:

Therapeutic benefits and practical of basic and advanced Asanas.
Therapeutic benefits and practical of basic and intensive Pranayamas.
Therapeutic benefits and practical of basic and advanced Kriya science.
Therapeutic benefits and practical of basics and advanced Bandha science.
Therapeutic benefits of advance Limbs Yogic movements for joints and inner awakening.
Precautions for practice and teaching Yoga Therapy.
An understanding of Yogic and Ashram Life.
Therapeutic benefits of Powers of Silence(Maun).
Therapeutic benefits of Yogic Cleanliness(Shauch).
Therapeutic benefits and advance Tratak, concentration, Dharna.
Therapeutic benefits of Yogic life style, Yama & Niyama.
Therapeutic benefits of Pratyahar (withdrawal from senses).
Therapeutic benefits of prayers, chanting and Bhakti Yoga.
Therapeutic benefits for higher Meditation.
Therapeutic benefits and understanding of Teaching methodology .
Therapeutic Yogic Business Plan.
Yoga and Psychotherapy.
Yoga and various health condition like: Head ache, Migraine, Obesity, Back pain, depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, Loneliness, body weakness, phobia, tension, gastritis, tinnitus, cervical spondylitis, frozen shoulders, varicose veins, numbness in legs, joint pains, indigestion, ulcers, high/low Blood Pressure, confusion, physiological problems, disharmony with others, relationship problems, etc.
Yogic and modern diagnosis of ailments.
Demonstration, Observation and review, Assisting/correcting.
Instructions and its understanding.
Teaching styles of traditional Yoga.
Practical of science of Mantra and Meditation.
Review the qualities of a good Yoga Teacher, and Special techniques, and applied Yoga sciences for healthy life.
Advance anatomy and Physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) Practical Yogic system of Energy/Subtle Anatomy and Physiology (Chakras, Nadis, etc.).
Yoga Philosophy and Yoga Therapy.
Therapeutic benefits of Study of Yoga Scriptures (Gherand Samhita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipiika and others.).
Ethics for Yoga Teachers, 'living the life of the Yogi', etc.
Practicum includes student teaching at school as well as observing and assisting seekers.
Basics of Ayurveda.
Project and assignments in various fields related to Yoga therapy.

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